Chapter 5 - Action Missions

During action missions your fight against pirats, terrorists and other bad guys (of course there are just robots inside space ships...)

Standard Keyboard

Arrow Keys: Left/Right/Up/Down
Shift, D or F: Fire
CTRL, B or I: Bomb (for ground, at the cross hair)

DISPLAY (Ship Computer)

During Game Play you can collect crystals. You can activate them with the Keys F1, F2 or F3
F1: Weapon Ultra Speed: You can shoot faster.
F2: Hyper Laser: Acticates a green or blue Hyper Laser.
F3: Super Fire: Your shoots are stronger / fire multiple shoots.

Score: Will you reach the 999999 limit ?
Gold: The more Gold you have the better equipment you can buy.

Speed: Ship Speed
Armor: Ship Armor.
Waepon: The Strength of your weapon system:
Laser: Laser Strength- the maximum is 99 - this would be the ultimate Laser...

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